"We're doing life big now."

When I was in the trenches of my cancer treatment, I daydreamed about the parties and celebrations we would throw once we kicked cancer to the curb. I could practically taste the cheap, grocery store sheet cake as I sat in the infusion center at Georgetown University Hospital; I could hear the laughter and cheering of my family and friends while waiting to see my Oncologist. Some days, the only thing that got me through the sickness and pain was planning a vacation or a party or a cookout to celebrate how God and my people carried me toward healing.
But now I don't have to daydream. I don't have to plan. I'm living in the celebration I once longed for, and it feels incredible.
What I've figured out, though, is that celebration doesn't just look like candles and cakes and streamers. It also looks like trying something new, like karaoke (see below for photo evidence). Or, it looks like a full work calendar because you can finally to do your job at your fullest capacity. Or, and maybe the most underrated illustration of celebration, it looks like you taking a big sigh of relief when you realize that you don't have to go to the doctor or take chemo or fast for blood work or have a procedure or can finally handle raw meat again without gagging.

Now that we sent cancer packing, my life looks like one big party—or it does through my eyes at least. I can finally live again. And that's worth celebrating every. single. day.
So, yeah, I've been busy. I'm not only figuring out what normal life looks like again; I'm figuring out what an abundant, joy-filled life looks like. 'Cus we aren't half-you-know-whatting life anymore. We're doing life big now.
I'm sorry y'all haven't heard from me in a while. I've been busy living.
"The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." - Jesus, John 10:10 (KJV)