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Oct 22, 2024
Doubting Thomas
"I'll believe it when I see it." - Thomas, Jesus's disciple The Bible doesn't tell us much about Thomas. He was one of Jesus's twelve...

Aug 21, 2024
Gatekeeping Happiness
"There is something to be said about creating space to grieve and process traumatic events and circumstances, but when we allow for it to...

Mar 29, 2024
My silver lining
I'm a dreamer but the weirdest kind. I dream about the mundane pieces of life. For instance (and this drives my fiancé crazy), I have my...

Feb 12, 2024
Let the Good (and Bad) Times Roll
"You can't fireproof your house after it's burned down. It's physically and metaphorically impossible. But, you can rebuild and install...

Dec 1, 2023
The Holidays
"Do anything and everything you can do to let the light in this season. It works." I'm a Christmas fanatic. And when I say, "fanatic,"...

Oct 29, 2023
The aftershock
"When I was at my lowest, my spirit was at its strongest because God was holding me upright." On October 13, my chemo port was removed....

Oct 3, 2023
Thoughts on Pink Month
"I'm all about breast cancer awareness, but I'm not about exploiting survivors." When I visibly had cancer and was going through...

Sep 28, 2023
Is the Lord's Arm Too Short?
I have a confession: I don't read my Bible nearly as much as I should. I made a goal of reading through the whole Bible by the end of...

Sep 2, 2023
"To me—and this is the Sadie Lackey Translation—shiva is a time to shed the pain, sadness and baggage of who or what you have lost."...

Aug 14, 2023
Lord, give me strength.
It's our natural reaction to go to God for strength, but when that is our only prayer, we are missing out on experiencing the creativity...

Aug 4, 2023
Getting back to normal
"You're the luckiest unlucky person on the planet," she said. Last Friday, I took the entire day off for yearly check-ups. Ya know, the...

Jul 27, 2023
Sorry, I've been busy.
"We're doing life big now." When I was in the trenches of my cancer treatment, I daydreamed about the parties and celebrations we would...

Jun 18, 2023
The "C" Word
"Faith doesn't create an absence of reality; It creates an absence of fear." Let's state the obvious: Cancer is scary. It's a...

May 30, 2023
Chill + Heal
I needed a chance to think about nothing before I had to think about everything. My pastor often says, "Change of pace plus change of...

May 20, 2023
The world is still turning
"Everyone's world doesn't stop turning just because yours does." My cancer center is located on Georgetown University's campus, so as if...

May 12, 2023
The Maker of the Day
The Maker of this day is on my side, and I will not let devastating circumstances overcome me. I've done a really good job of surrounding...

Apr 21, 2023
Personal grace
I'm slowly starting to understand that taking breaks and finding time for rest is very much okay, regardless of my to do list. I love a...

Apr 15, 2023
A Baby and a Bagel
I'm sitting at a coffee shop this morning, and the CUTEST baby girl and her mom sat down at the table in front of me. This baby is the...

Apr 4, 2023
"No one—and certainly not God—will be mad at you for taking a moment to breathe." I'd like to preface this post by saying that I don't...

Mar 5, 2023
Cowboy up
"I am challenging myself to refine my character based on God’s intervention in my situation." The beginning stages of being diagnosed...
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